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- Subject: 1 9 8 5 STATE RACES BULLETINS
- 2800 Meadowview Road
- Sacramento, CA 95832-1441
- All of the 1985 bulletins were broadcast by and from the
- home of longtime State Chief RACES Radio Officer Marion Henson,
- W6NKR. The Governor's Office of Emergency Services headquarters
- did not yet have a RACES radio facility.
- April 1985
- I for one am most pleased to see the rejuvenation of the RACES
- BULLETIN with attendant interest in the RACES program as
- currently fostered by the State Office of Emergency Services.
- Welcome aboard to Stan Harter, KH6GBX. Your efforts will be
- appreciated by all RACES members.
- Amateur Radio began to play an important role for the State of
- California in the 1950-1951 era of Civil Defense. The California
- Civil Defense Net (CCDN) was formed to supplement governmental
- communications systems during emergencies. From this base the
- California RACES program was developed in 1952.
- RACES has served well during many floods, fire and
- earthquakes.
- Not often do we get the call to duty but, when required, RACES
- has been indispensable. It behooves all jurisdictions to
- maintain a high state of training and readiness.
- We all hope and pray that we are never needed. On the other
- hand, from past experience, we know that communications
- facilities are never adequate during a major catastrophe. "BE
- Signed/MARION HENSON, W6NKR, State RACES Radio Officer
- The following bulletins were transmitted via W6NKR every Monday
- except holidays on 3545.6 kHz at 1900 at 15 wpm CW and at 1930
- at 60 wpm and 100 wpm RTTY. There was no packet system at the
- time. The first line of each bulletin below shows the bulletin
- number followed by the broadcast date:
- (No number) 4/1/85
- OES has hired Stan Harter (KH6GBX) to fills its new position
- of EBS/RACES communications coordinator. His primary duties will
- be to organize the State EBS and RACES programs when he starts
- work on April 22, 1985. Stan Worked as the Hawaii State Commun-
- ications Officer for 20 years where he was directly involved with
- the planning, organizing, implementation, operating and improving
- the state's EBS and RACES programs. Stan has been an Amateur for
- over 35 years and has worked at commercial broadcast stations for
- over 23 years. W6NKR
- 85-1 5/6/85
- Most problems called to our attention about RACES and/or
- Amateur Radio appear to stem from lack of communication. That, in
- turn, creates misunderstandings by both government and the
- volunteers. Our goal is to reach the Amateur Radio operators
- affiliated with local emergency services organizations on a
- regular basis. This may be accomplished by broadening the reach
- of this weekly net by (a) you and the respective State OES
- (Office of Emergency Services) regions inputting these messages
- to all Amateur Radio clubs in all regions having weekly VHF nets,
- (b) having some of the latter copy the traffic from this net, (c)
- State OES developing a VHF net, (d) State OES developing an RTTY
- broadcast capability, and (e) any combination of the above. The
- relay of this and all future weekly messages is a a start in that
- direction. We welcome your input now on how this statewide
- dissemination may best be accomplished. Our intent is that the
- weekly State RACES informational messages be read, not dictated,
- on the numerous established Amateur nets throughout the state.
- Speed in this respect is not important. Regular and frequent
- RACES and Amateur/OES relationship information is very important.
- 85-2 May 13, 1985
- 1. The 30 meter band, 10.1 through 10.15 MHz, has been added to
- the RACES by the FCC.
- 2. We urge as many as possible monitor the State RACES CW net
- Mondays 3545.5 KHz at 1900 hours local so that they may be
- repeated at reading speed on as many VHF repeaters as possible
- throughout the state. Immediately following the CW transmission
- will be a repeat on RTTY for the benefit of RTTY receivers.
- Spread the word to Radio Officers, clubs, ARRL Section Managers
- and Emergency Coordinators, and others who may assist and
- participate in the broadening the relay of information of
- interest to Amateurs in emergency services.
- 3. One of the main reasons radio Amateurs who serve any OES must
- been enrolled in RACES is that no services of any volunteer can
- be accepted by any government unless they are recorded as a
- volunteer Disaster Service Worker. Without such registration, as
- accomplished in the RACES, there is no Worker's Compensation and
- other protective benefits provided by law. By the same token,
- governments should not categorize all Amateur Radio operators as
- RACES. In short, every ham must be preregistered as a volunteer
- Disaster Service Worker before the emergency or exercise. This is
- done by Radio Officers in OES organizations. Please direct
- questions to KH6GBX this office.
- 85-3 May 20, 1985
- 1. The following equipment is surplus to our needs. If interested
- submit request and justification:
- Item 1 - two each 51J4/R388 receivers.
- Item 2 - one each Precision model EV-20 VTVM.
- Item 3 - one each Motorola service monitor model T-1130A SN 130.
- 2. We encourage questions, suggestions and problems be directed
- to this office by radio or in writing so that we may better
- address the RACES program. We appreciate learning of what local
- county nets are now carrying these Bulletins.
- 85-4 June 3, 1985
- Amateur TV was demonstrated to the annual meeting of Civil
- Defense administrators in Sacramento on 15 May. Installed on a
- California Highway patrol helicopter, it flew around the city (of
- Sacramento) transmitting excellent pictures back to the hotel
- gathering. All were impressed with the clarity and potential of
- ATV. Other Amateurs are demonstrating ATV to local and government
- agencies in various parts of the state. San Jose RACES is
- reportedly planning to enhance security at the August World
- Police and Fire Olympic type games with ATV. State OES plans to
- install equipment to receive ATV and maintain two-way Amateur
- Radio communications with the ATV camera person. County OES
- agencies and Amateurs with ATV are urged to get together to test
- and evaluate applications in your area if not already done.
- Ventura County is holding a countywide RACES meeting Saturday
- June 8. We are starting to review RACES plans. Some are very good
- and clearly state what is the mission and what is expected of
- Amateur Radio operators. 73 KH6GBX
- 85-5 June 10, 1985
- The recent opening up of the VHF Amateur bands to RACES by the
- FCC may be the best RACES news in 33 years. Repeaters were not a
- planning factor in 1952. Gone now are the frequency barriers
- between ARES and RACES. No longer must we write impractical war
- and peace time frequencies in RACES plans. We doubt many hams and
- jurisdictions stockpiled wartime only crystals. With the expanded
- VHF spectrum authorized RACES we have our work cut out for us.
- Work that requires little money but lots of creativity, planning
- and coordination: new RACES plans. We can do away with war and
- peace frequency plans, with a few exceptions, and rewrite plans
- to reflect the real world VHF frequencies. Coordination of
- frequencies will be just as important. Continued plans for
- simplex frequencies is even more important. Disasters can and
- will overloads or cripple repeaters. RACES plans should not be
- rubber stamp verbiage but a professional plan for the use of the
- Amateur radio Service. Guidance and help will be forthcoming and
- I look forward to your input, experience and assistance.
- There are basically four levels of RACES plans in California:
- (1) Cities
- (2) Counties
- (3) the six State OES Regions
- (4) State plan.
- 73, KH6GBX
- 85-6 June 17, 1985
- We are reviewing the RACES/ARES plans. Many are out of date,
- others are recent. Some are difficult to understand. Some repeat
- the original instructions to the plan writer instead of providing
- the information sought by the instructions! The recent revisions
- to the VHF RACES bands will require a rewrite of RACES plans
- after careful planning has been accomplished.
- RACES message 85-5 described the four levels of RACES plans
- that need to be either written or updated. This will involve all
- State and local OES offices and all ARRL Emergency Coordinators.
- 73, KH6GBX
- 85-7 June 24, 1985
- This month I am traveling to many counties to meet Amateur Radio
- operators and discuss plans and systems in the counties of San
- Joaquin, Butte, Glenn, Tehama, Shasta, Trinity, Kern, Orange, Los
- Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino. I hope to meet many of
- you along the way. 73, KH6GBX
- 85-8 Missing
- 85-9 July 1, 1985
- Subject: Portable Radio Batteries
- On protracted emergencies, such as wildfires or an earthquake,
- there may be no A-C power to recharge your portable radio nicad
- battery. Do you have a spare nicad battery and a D-C charger, or
- throw away battery packs for your portable radio? You will often
- be expected to use your portable where your mobile cannot go.
- 73, W6NKR
- 85-10 July 8, 1985
- Subject: Scanner Bill
- SB-1431 passed the State Senate the week before last. This is the
- bill that will outlaw scanners. It now goes to Assembly who will
- reconvene August 14. Contact your Assemblyman if opposed to
- making scanners illegal for hams and public safety persons.
- 73, KH6GBX
- Reminder to all Regions and Amateur Radio operators: Please
- continue to notify and solicit all scheduled VHF/UHF Amateur
- Radio nets to assign one or two persons to copy these Monday
- night State RACES Bulletins and then read them over their own
- nets. We solicit information and feedback from all Amateur Radio
- operators.
- 85-11 Missing
- 85-12 July 22, 1985
- Item 1. Ventura County OES reports extensive use of Radio
- Amateurs during 118,000 acre Ojai fire in support of Red Cross,
- CDF (California Department of Forestry) and the U.S. Forest
- Service. Over 500 packet transmissions were handled. We know that
- Amateur Radio served admirably on other fires in the state. We
- will welcome your activity reports at State OES.
- Item 2. State OES is recruiting Radio Amateurs for its State
- OES RACES staff in the Sacramento area. Call Stan at 916-427-4281
- for details.
- Item 3. Local OES agencies and ham clubs wanting an update
- briefing on RACES are encouraged to contact State OES, Item 2
- above.
- 85-13 July 29, 1985
- Item 1. San Jose City RACES needs assistance for the August
- 3-11 World Police and Fire Games, which may be the largest
- sporting event ever held with more participants and events than
- the 23rd Olympiad last year. Contact Bill Robinson, WB6OML, on
- San Jose RACES Net 146.115 Wednesdays at 8 p.m. There is also a
- remote bulletin board service for ARES/RACES activities at (408)
- 224-0218, Monday-Friday, 1800-2200 and all day weekends and
- holidays.
- Item 2. State OES is recruiting for RACES operators and
- technicians for its Sacramento headquarters. Call 916-427-4281 if
- interested and not already affiliated with a RACES group.
- 73, W6NKR
- 85-14 August 5, 1985
- Subject: Questions and Answers
- You can help us by calling or writing your RACES questions into
- State OES Headquarters. Probably the most frequent question
- lately is a request for a model RACES plan. We will soon be
- working on that. We believe that any plan should be readily
- understood by the use of the Amateur communications service and
- not just the providers. This is specially true for new RACES
- organizations so that what we Amateurs do is not a mystery to any
- reader of a RACES plan. A well written plan can do much to
- promote and maintain RACES activities. Our telephone is 916-427-
- 4281. 73, W6NKR
- 85-15 August 12, 1985
- Subject: Q and A continued.
- Question: Is RACES meant for just one department?
- Answer: It may seem that way in some governments because a high
- visibility department may run the RACES program. This does not
- mean, however, that RACES serves only one department. The RACES
- must serve emergency communications requirements anywhere in that
- government plus outside liaison requirements. Surplus operators
- and resources may be assigned to support other organizations
- essential to that government's mission. --KH6GBX
- 85-16 August 19, 1985
- Subject: Q and A continued.
- Question: Do Federal agencies have RACES?
- Answer: No. The RACES is administered by local and state civil
- defense organizations. This does not mean that the RACES cannot
- support Federal agencies, however. We encourage county RACES to
- contact, support and maintain liaison with those agencies you
- might assist. This may include the National Weather Service,
- U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park
- Service, Corps of Engineers, and others in your county. Counties
- should encourage such support as training necessary to maintain
- proficiency and interest among RACES members. State OES will
- assist wherever we can. Call 916-427-4281.
- 85-17 August 26, 1985
- Subject: Q and A continued.
- Question: Does RACES provide equipment to radio Amateurs?
- Answer: No, the RACES is not like the MARS in that respect. The
- RACES is comprised largely of Amateurs providing their own
- equipment in a structured and efficient organization. In those
- governments where the RACES support has proven itself, equipment
- may be provided if funds allow. This usually takes the form of
- Amateur radio equipment in the EOC and/or mountaintop repeaters.
- ATV, digipeaters and packet terminal node controllers have joined
- the list lately. Once you have proven your value you are more
- likely to get permanent funding support. One Radio Officer said
- recently, "You are as good as you want to be." --K6QIF
- 85-18 September 9, 1985
- State OES is now recruiting and signing up Amateur radio
- operators to serve as RACES staff volunteers at the following
- State OES locations, the telephone number, and who to ask for:
- 1. Sacramento 916-427-4281 Stan Harter
- 2. Los Angeles 213-620-5607 Don Root
- 3. Pleasant Hill 415-671-4908 Al Miller
- 4. Redding 916-225-2680 Al Kelly
- --W6NKR
- 85-20 September 23, 1985
- The subject of Amateur Radio was a major topic at the recent
- National Conference of the Associated Public-Safety
- Communications Officers and the Forestry-Conservation
- Communications Association meeting in San Diego. Most interest
- was shown in packet radio, the California Department of Forestry
- VIP (Volunteers in Prevention) program, confusion between the
- ARES and the RACES, replacing the old RACES plans, and
- volunteerism in general. Many people in public safety
- communications are also hams. Many know very little about the
- RACES, however.
- 85-21 September 30, 1985
- Subject: EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)
- EBS stands for Emergency Broadcast System. Every operational
- area in the state has designated AM, FM and TV stations to carry
- emergency information for the public. Amateur radio can be used
- to provide the link between civil authorities and the broadcast
- stations when other links are lost. All broadcasting stations
- must test their EBS equipment weekly. The FCC is now fining
- stations that fail to receive and listen to the test messages.
- The reason is, of course, that they could miss a real EBS
- activation.
- Progressive operational areas test their EBS once a month from
- the EOC to all broadcast stations. Amateur Radio operators
- attached to their local OES offices monitor the stations and
- report the results to the EOC. Such areas have an EBS that really
- works. Does it work in your area? 73, KH6GBX
- 85-22 October 7, 1985
- Subject: Mariposa County
- A RACES seminar, a meeting of all Amateurs interested in
- emergency public service communications, will be held at Mariposa
- County Unified High School on Saturday, 12 October from 0900 to
- 1530. Amateurs and officials from Mariposa, Fresno, Madera and
- Stanislaus Counties are known to be attending, plus State OES
- from Fresno and Sacramento. ATV and packet radio will be
- demonstrated by State OES and the Turlock Amateur Radio Club. If
- you are in the area and not yet enrolled in the RACES, you are
- most welcome to attend. For details, contact Dave Longman, N6KNA,
- Mariposa 209-966-4951. 73, KH6GBX
- 85-23 October 7, 1985
- Subject: Surplus Property Available
- The following is available for disposal to RACES personnel for
- the asking. All is located at this headquarters. Submit requests
- to this office or your regional OES office. Anything not claimed
- in 60 days will be scrapped. Requesters must pay for or arrange
- transportation.
- Item 1. 1 ea. receiver, National model HRO-50T, excellent
- condition.
- Item 2. 1 ea. receiver, Hallicrafters, model SX-28.
- Item 3. Several Eimac 250-TH power triode tubes.
- Item 4. Several Eimac 4-65A power tetrode tubes.
- Item 5. Several Eimac 827A rectifier tubes.
- Item 6. Several G.E. 3B28, Raytheon RK866A, and RCA 866A tubes.
- Item 7. Dozens of boxes of small vacuum tubes.
- All tubes are believed to be new and unused.
- 85-24 missing
- 85-25 October 21, 1985
- Subject: Antenna Restrictions
- FCC released an order PRB-1 dated 19 September 1985 which
- strikes down all state and local ordinances and regulations
- prohibiting and unreasonably restricting Amateur Radio antennas.
- The ruling does not apply to restrictive covenants in private
- contractual agreements. There is strong federal interest in
- promoting Amateur communications. The rulemaking was supported by
- the ARRL, Department of Defense, American Red Cross, and numerous
- cities and counties. Opposing it in California was the City of La
- Mesa and the County of San Diego.. The FCC said that the
- Department of Defense, American Red Cross, and local civil
- defense and emergency organizations have found in Amateur Radio a
- skilled pool of radio operators and a readily available backup
- network. --W6NKR
- 85-26 October 28, 1985
- Subject: Storms
- Winter 1985 is fast approaching and no one can be sure how severe
- it may be. Although last winter was relatively mild, winter
- storms have traditionally caused more destruction in California
- than any other type of disaster. In view of this, Governor George
- Deukmejian has proclaimed the week of November 10-16, 1985, as
- Storm Preparedness/Flood Awareness Week.
- 85-27 November 4, 1985
- Subject: FCC Form 610
- Effective 1 January 1986, only the June 1984 and later
- editions of this form may be used to obtain or renew an Amateur
- license. --KH6GBX
- 85-28 November 18, 1985
- Richard Andrews, State OES Region One manager in Los Angeles,
- briefed the Governor's Earthquake Task Force on his findings
- after the Mexico City earthquake.
- "The effective use of volunteers will determine the degree of
- recovery success following a major disaster," he said. From this
- we can see the need for local government trained and assigned
- Amateur Radio operators -- be they called RACES or by any other
- name.
- Andrews said, "It will be very difficult to get an overview of
- the extent of damage in order to allocate critical resources
- following a great earthquake here in California." Organized
- Amateurs can make the difference.
- Now is the time for local OES and Amateurs to get together,
- train together, and continue to work together in those areas
- where this is not yet done. Offers of assistance from untrained
- and unregistered volunteers after an incident has occurred may
- not be accepted. It costs nothing to become registered and
- affiliated. Contact your local OES/civil defense for more
- information. --W6NKR
- On the printed Bulletin used for mail distribution there is a
- diagram that is worth a thousand words that graphically shows
- roles and relationships. It shows a local government, its OES/CD
- office, and its RACES unit as one governmental entity; e.g., the
- RACES is never a separate or detached element. A dotted line
- indicating coordination runs from the RACES to an ARES block,
- under which is the definition "Health and welfare, Red Cross,
- non-governmental and other communications."
- 85-29 November 25, 1985
- November started with the state having received 83% of its
- normal rainfall in 1985, compared with 105% in 1984 and 190% in
- 1983. There can be localized downpours that may create flood
- problems particularly in the vicinity of this summer's forest
- fires. The fire season, too,m is seldom over in some parts of the
- state. RACES plans, training and preparedness is ever important.
- Being willing to help and being able to help may be two different
- things for every Amateur Radio operator. Knowing how in advance
- of an emergency is critical. --W6NKR
- 85-30 December 2, 1985
- Packet terminal on 145.01 MHz is now operational at State OES
- Headquarters. Callsign KH6GBX. High elevations to link KH6GBX
- include W6BXN Mariposa, N6IJP-1 St. Helena, and W6AMT-7 St. John.
- 85-31 December 9, 1985
- Subject: FEMA
- Julius W. Becton, Jr., has succeeded Louis O. Guiffreda as
- director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Becton
- served more that 40 years in the Army before retiring in 1983.
- Prior to FEMA he was director of the Office of US Foreign
- Disaster Assistance, Agency for International Development.
- 85-32 December 16, 1985
- Division was requested to coordinate transportation for 13
- California Search and Rescue dog teams. Dogs and handlers worked
- to exhaustion, with only a few hours sleep each night. They kept
- this pace up for a week, when they were flown to Travis Air Force
- Base by California National Guard aircraft and to their homes by
- the Civil Air Patrol. OES Fire Division sent three teams of
- firefighters skilled in heavy rescue techniques to assist, along
- with a National Guard C-130 loaded with rescue equipment. The
- teams included members from our fire division plus crews from
- Rancho Cordova and Sacramento in the north and L.A. and Orange
- counties in the south. Both L.A. City and County sent seven
- planeloads of emergency, rescue and medical equipment and
- supplies, plus 20 rail cars of heavy earth moving equipment to
- Mexico.
- ITEM 2. HAPPY HOLIDAYS. State OES RACES operators will be on
- leave from this net from 17 December 1985 through 5 January 1986.
- The next CCDN (California Civil Defense Net) will be January 6th.
- All of us at State OES wish to thank you for your dedicated
- support, contributions of time and energy, and willingness to
- serve. May your holidays be joyful and safe.
- * * * * *